Warning (512): _cake_core_ cache was unable to write 'default_sv__s_e' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323]Code Context ),
$key = 'default_sv__s_e'
$value = array(
'LC_MESSAGES' => array(
'password' => '*****',
'Invalid address' => '',
'The address has been saved' => '',
'The address could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Address deleted' => '',
'Address was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid advertiser' => '',
'The advertiser has been saved' => '',
'The advertiser could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'The new user could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Advertiser deleted' => '',
'Advertiser was not deleted' => '',
'No advertisers data' => '',
'Invalid app identifier' => '',
'The app identifier has been saved' => '',
'The app identifier could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'App identifier deleted' => '',
'App identifier was not deleted' => '',
'Sent original image dimensions are incorrect!' => '',
'File %s does NOT exist!' => '',
'File %s is not of valid extension!' => '',
'An error occured while creating new image!' => '',
'An error occured while uploading file (1)!' => '',
'Please select some locale' => '',
'Please an image.' => '',
'Invalid file format!' => '',
'Invalid file size!' => '',
'An error occured while uploading file (2)!' => '',
'An error occured while uploading file (3)!' => '',
'Invalid campaign category' => '',
'The campaign category has been saved' => '',
'The campaign category could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Campaign category deleted' => '',
'Campaign category was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid campaign content' => '',
'The campaign content has been saved' => '',
'The campaign content could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Campaign content deleted' => '',
'Campaign content was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid campaign currency' => '',
'The campaign currency has been saved' => '',
'The campaign currency could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Campaign currency deleted' => '',
'Campaign currency was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid campaign inventory' => '',
'The campaign inventory has been saved' => '',
'The campaign inventory could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Campaign inventory deleted' => '',
'Campaign inventory was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid campaign po' => '',
'The campaign po has been saved' => '',
'The campaign po could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Campaign po deleted' => '',
'Campaign po was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid campaigns source' => '',
'The campaigns source has been saved' => '',
'The campaigns source could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Campaigns source deleted' => '',
'Campaigns source was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid campaign type' => '',
'The campaign type has been saved' => '',
'The campaign type could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Campaign type deleted' => '',
'Campaign type was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid campaign value' => '',
'The campaign value has been saved' => '',
'The campaign value could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Campaign value deleted' => '',
'Campaign value was not deleted' => '',
'The campaign has been saved' => '',
'The campaign could not be saved. Please make sure you fill out all required fields.' => '',
Campaigns details took from existing campaign.
This campaign is not saved, please continue with edit and save.' => '',
'Invalid campaign' => '',
'The campaign was published' => '',
'The campaign could not be published. Please, try again.' => '',
'The campaign was unpublished' => '',
'The campaign could not be unpublished. Please, try again.' => '',
'Advertisers can only edit unpublished campaigns.' => '',
'Campaign deleted' => '',
'Campaign was not deleted' => '',
'Campaign access not allowed' => '',
'No campaigns data' => '',
'There are no widgets attached to campaign' => '',
'There are no locales or contents and pictures locales do not match' => '',
'Generate Tag' => '',
'Preview Campaign' => '',
'Invalid commission' => '',
'The commission has been saved' => '',
'The commission could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Commission deleted' => '',
'Commission was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid country' => '',
'The country has been saved' => '',
'The country could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Country deleted' => '',
'Country was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid currency' => '',
'The currency has been saved' => '',
'The currency could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Currency deleted' => '',
'Currency was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid customer' => '',
'The customer has been saved' => '',
'The customer could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Customer deleted' => '',
'Customer was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid friend' => '',
'The friend has been saved' => '',
'The friend could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Friend deleted' => '',
'Friend was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid language' => '',
'The language has been saved' => '',
'The language could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Language deleted' => '',
'Language was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid locale' => '',
'The locale has been saved' => '',
'The locale could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Locale deleted' => '',
'Locale was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid manager' => '',
'The manager has been saved' => '',
'The manager could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Manager deleted' => '',
'Manager was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid message' => '',
'Message deleted' => '',
'Message was not deleted' => '',
'The message has been sent' => '',
'The message could not be sent. Please, try again.' => '',
'Invalid party' => '',
'The party has been saved' => '',
'The party could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Party deleted' => '',
'Party was not deleted' => '',
'Preview only' => '',
'Invalid psp configuration' => '',
'The psp configuration has been saved' => '',
'The psp configuration could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Psp configuration deleted' => '',
'Psp configuration was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid psp' => '',
'The psp has been saved' => '',
'The psp could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Psp deleted' => '',
'Psp was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid publisher' => '',
'The publisher has been saved' => '',
'The publisher could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Publisher deleted' => '',
'Publisher was not deleted' => '',
'Impressions' => '',
'Clicks' => '',
'Transactions' => '',
'Reports Resellers' => '',
'Reports Publishers' => '',
'Reports Advertisers' => '',
'Invalid reseller' => '',
'The reseller has been saved' => '',
'The reseller could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Reseller deleted' => '',
'Reseller was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid role' => '',
'The role has been saved' => '',
'The role could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Role deleted' => '',
'Role was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid shorturl' => '',
'The shorturl has been saved' => '',
'The shorturl could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Shorturl deleted' => '',
'Shorturl was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid site' => '',
'The site has been saved' => '',
'The site could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Site deleted' => '',
'Site was not deleted' => '',
'No sites data' => '',
'Invalid support' => '',
'The user has been saved' => '',
'The support could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'The support has been saved' => '',
'Support deleted' => '',
'Support was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid swifler about' => '',
'The swifler about has been saved' => '',
'The swifler about could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Swifler about deleted' => '',
'Swifler about was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid system variable' => '',
'The system variable has been saved' => '',
'The system variable could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'System variable deleted' => '',
'System variable was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid ticket' => '',
'The ticket has been saved' => '',
'The ticket could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Ticket deleted' => '',
'Ticket was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid transaction advertiser' => '',
'The transaction advertiser has been saved' => '',
'The transaction advertiser could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Transaction advertiser deleted' => '',
'Transaction advertiser was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid transaction log' => '',
'The transaction log has been saved' => '',
'The transaction log could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Transaction log deleted' => '',
'Transaction log was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid transaction publisher' => '',
'The transaction publisher has been saved' => '',
'The transaction publisher could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Transaction publisher deleted' => '',
'Transaction publisher was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid transaction reseller' => '',
'The transaction reseller has been saved' => '',
'The transaction reseller could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Transaction reseller deleted' => '',
'Transaction reseller was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid transaction' => '',
'The transaction has been saved' => '',
'The transaction could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'No Active PSP Configuration found for the PSP used on the Site.' => '',
'Transaction Refunded' => '',
'No transaction data' => '',
'Transaction has already been refunded' => '',
'Invalid user' => '',
'The user could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'User deleted' => '',
'User was not deleted' => '',
'Your username or password was incorrect.' => '',
'Login limit exceeded, please try again later.' => '',
'You have been logged out.' => '',
'Wrong password.' => '',
'New passwords do not match' => '',
'User informations updated' => '',
'You need to select at least one Payment Solution' => '',
'Your account has been created. You should receive an e-mail shortly to authenticate your account. Once validated you will be able to login.' => '',
'Your account could not be created. Please, try again.' => '',
'You must agree to terms of use.' => '',
'You are already registered and logged in!' => '',
'Your e-mail has been validated!' => '',
'%s has been sent an email with instruction to reset their password.' => '',
'You should receive an email with further instructions shortly' => '',
'No user was found with that email.' => '',
'Invalid password reset token, try again.' => '',
'Password changed, you can now login with your new password.' => '',
'No user token found. Make sure you send correct username and password in POST.' => '',
'Transaction not found.' => '',
'Settlement access not allowed' => '',
'Invalid vat' => '',
'The vat has been saved' => '',
'The vat could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Vat deleted' => '',
'Vat was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid widget' => '',
'The widget has been saved' => '',
'The widget could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Widget deleted' => '',
'Widget was not deleted' => '',
'The widget has been generated' => '',
'No widgets data' => '',
'Invalid options %s' => '',
'Error occured when deleting file(' => '',
'Invalid token, please check the email you were sent, and retry the verification link.' => '',
'The token has expired.' => '',
'This Email Address exists but was never validated.' => '',
'This Email Address does not exist in the system.' => '',
'The passwords are not equal.' => '',
'Plugin to process' => '',
'Better manage, and easily synchronize you application's ACO tree' => '',
'Add new ACOs for new controllers and actions. Does not remove nodes from the ACO table.' => '',
'Perform a full sync on the ACO table.Will create new ACOs or missing controllers and actions.Will also remove orphaned entries that no longer have a matching controller/action' => '',
'Verify the tree structure of either your Aco or Aro Trees' => '',
'The type of tree to verify' => '',
'Recover a corrupted Tree' => '',
'The type of tree to recover' => '',
'<error>Plugin %s not found or not activated</error>' => '',
'<success>Aco Update Complete</success>' => '',
'Deleted %s and all children' => '',
'Created Aco node: <success>%s</success>' => '',
'Deleted Aco node: <warning>%s</warning>' => '',
'<success>Tree is valid and strong</success>' => '',
'Tree has been recovered, or tree did not need recovery.' => '',
'<error>Tree recovery failed.</error>' => '',
'Created Aco node: %s' => '',
'Deleted Aco node %s' => '',
'Tree is valid and strong' => '',
'HTTP Status 403 - Access is denied' => '',
'Message : You do not have permission to access this page!' => '',
'Roles permissions' => '',
'Users permissions' => '',
'User Manager: Permissions' => '',
'Sync Acos' => '',
'Actions / Roles' => '',
'All' => '',
'Success!' => '',
'You successfully changed the permission' => '',
'You successfully synced the Acos' => '',
'Sync Acos...' => '',
'User Manager' => '',
'Groups' => '',
'Permissions' => '',
'Groups permissions' => '',
'Search' => '',
'ID' => '',
'User Email' => '',
'Full Name' => '',
'Created' => '',
'Actions' => '',
'Permission' => '',
'Page {:page} of {:pages}, showing {:current} records out of {:count} total, starting on record {:start}, ending on {:end}' => '',
'previous' => '',
'next' => '',
'Back' => '',
'Actions / User' => '',
'Settings: General' => '',
'General' => '',
'Email templates' => '',
'New User' => '',
'Reset Password' => '',
'General Options' => '',
'Admin Email' => '',
'Email address' => '',
'Default Group' => '',
'Disable registrations' => '',
'Disable reset password' => '',
'Require email activation for new users' => '',
'ReCaptcha Options' => '',
'Enable' => '',
'Public Key' => '',
'Private Key' => '',
'Save changes' => '',
'You successfully changed the setting' => '',
'Error!' => '',
'Settings: Email (New User)' => '',
'Send link' => '',
'Subject' => '',
'Message body' => '',
'Shortcodes:' => '',
'Site address:' => '',
'Full name:' => '',
'User email:' => '',
'Activation link:' => '',
'Activated' => '',
'Settings: Email (Reset Password)' => '',
'Request' => '',
'Success' => '',
'Invalid mjob job log' => '',
'The mjob job log has been saved' => '',
'The mjob job log could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Mjob job log deleted' => '',
'Mjob job log was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid mjob job parameter' => '',
'The mjob job parameter has been saved' => '',
'The mjob job parameter could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'Mjob job parameter deleted' => '',
'Mjob job parameter was not deleted' => '',
'Invalid m job job' => '',
'The m job job has been saved' => '',
'The m job job could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '',
'M job job deleted' => '',
'M job job was not deleted' => '',
'Mjob Job Logs' => '',
'Add' => '',
'Add Mjob Job Log' => '',
'List Mjob Job Logs' => '',
'Mjob Job Id' => '',
'Job Name' => '',
'Start' => '',
'End' => '',
'Info' => '',
'Submit' => '',
'Edit' => '',
'Edit Mjob Job Log' => '',
'Delete' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete # %s?' => '',
'Id' => '',
'New Mjob Job Log' => '',
'View' => '',
'Mjob Job Log' => '',
'Delete Mjob Job Log' => '',
'Mjob Job' => '',
'Modified' => '',
'Related' => '',
'Mjob Job Parameters' => '',
'Add Mjob Job Parameter' => '',
'List Mjob Job Parameters' => '',
'Name' => '',
'Value' => '',
'Edit Mjob Job Parameter' => '',
'New Mjob Job Parameter' => '',
'Mjob Job Parameter' => '',
'Delete Mjob Job Parameter' => '',
'M Job Jobs' => '',
'Add M Job Job' => '',
'List M Job Jobs' => '',
'Description' => '',
'Last Run' => '',
'Interval' => '',
'Next Run' => '',
'Running' => '',
'Use Logging' => '',
'Shell Task' => '',
'Use Queue' => '',
'Edit M Job Job' => '',
'New M Job Job' => '',
'M Job Job' => '',
'Delete M Job Job' => '',
'Related Mjob Job Logs' => '',
'New related Mjob Job Log' => '',
'Related Mjob Job Parameters' => '',
'New related Mjob Job Parameter' => '',
'invalid record' => '',
'record add %s saved' => '',
'formContainsErrors' => '',
'record edit %s saved' => '',
'record del %s done' => '',
'record del %s not done exception' => '',
'Error' => '',
'Task' => '',
'Model (Method)' => '',
'Add %s' => '',
'Cron Task' => '',
'Active' => '',
'List %s' => '',
'Cron Tasks' => '',
'Edit %s' => '',
'Jobtype' => '',
'Data' => '',
'Notbefore' => '',
'Completed' => '',
'Failed' => '',
'Failure Message' => '',
'Status' => '',
'Delete %s' => '',
'Queue' => '',
'Not running' => '',
'last %s' => '',
'Queued Tasks' => '',
'Statistics' => '',
'Reset %s' => '',
'Queue Tasks' => '',
'Sure? This will completely reset the queue.' => '',
'Addresses' => '',
'Add Address' => '',
'Home' => '',
'List Addresses' => '',
'Receiver' => '',
'Address1' => '',
'Address2' => '',
'Zip' => '',
'City' => '',
'State' => '',
'Country' => '',
'Edit Address' => '',
'New Address' => '',
'Address' => '',
'Delete Address' => '',
'Related Transactions' => '',
'External Id' => '',
'Unit Value' => '',
'Unit Discount' => '',
'Unit Price' => '',
'Unit Paid' => '',
'Discount Percentage' => '',
'Quantity' => '',
'Discount' => '',
'Price' => '',
'Paid' => '',
'Psp Id' => '',
'Currency Id' => '',
'Campaign Id' => '',
'Customer Id' => '',
'Friend Id' => '',
'Address Id' => '',
'Reseller Id' => '',
'Publisher Id' => '',
'Advertiser Id' => '',
'Site Id' => '',
'Widget Id' => '',
'Processed' => '',
'Batched' => '',
'Country Id' => '',
'New related Transaction' => '',
'Related Transactions Advertisers' => '',
'Transaction Id' => '',
'Net' => '',
'New related Transactions Advertiser' => '',
'Related Transactions Publishers' => '',
'New related Transactions Publisher' => '',
'Related Transactions Resellers' => '',
'New related Transactions Reseller' => '',
'Advertisers' => '',
'Add Advertiser' => '',
'List Advertisers' => '',
'Advertiser' => '',
'User' => '',
'AccountsAPI' => '',
'Terms and conditions' => '',
'Manager Id' => '',
'Party Id' => '',
'Commission Id' => '',
'BCC (, separated)' => '',
'Existing User' => '',
'Username' => '',
'Password' => '',
'Confirm Password' => '',
'First Name' => '',
'Last Name' => '',
'Language' => '',
'Library' => '',
'Configuration' => '',
'Username Required' => '',
'Password Required' => '',
'Terms & Conditions' => '',
'Edit Advertiser' => '',
'Users' => '',
'New Advertiser' => '',
'Delete Advertiser' => '',
'Manager' => '',
'Commission' => '',
'Account API' => '',
'Library name' => '',
'Accounts Api Username' => '',
'Accounts Api Password' => '',
'Terms and Conditions' => '',
'Related Campaigns' => '',
'Valid From' => '',
'Valid To' => '',
'Sold' => '',
'Wizard' => '',
'Related Users' => '',
'App Identifiers' => '',
'Add App Identifier' => '',
'List App Identifiers' => '',
'Android URL' => '',
'iOS URL' => '',
'Edit App Identifier' => '',
'New App Identifier' => '',
'App Identifier' => '',
'Delete App Identifier' => '',
'Related Widgets' => '',
'App Identifier Id' => '',
'New related Widget' => '',
'Campaign Categories' => '',
'Add Campaign Category' => '',
'List Campaign Categories' => '',
'Parent category' => '',
'Edit Campaign Category' => '',
'New Campaign Category' => '',
'Campaign Category' => '',
'Delete Campaign Category' => '',
'Parent Campaign Category' => '',
'Related Campaign Categories' => '',
'Parent Id' => '',
'New Child Campaign Category' => '',
'Related Sites' => '',
'Campaign Type' => '',
'Campaign Contents' => '',
'Add Campaign Content' => '',
'List Campaign Contents' => '',
'Title' => '',
'Teaser' => '',
'Keywords' => '',
'Images' => '',
'Tracking script' => '',
'Edit Campaign Content' => '',
'New Campaign Content' => '',
'Campaign Content' => '',
'Delete Campaign Content' => '',
'Campaign' => '',
'Related Locales' => '',
'Language Id' => '',
'I18n' => '',
'New related Locale' => '',
'Campaign Currencies' => '',
'add' => '',
'Add Campaign Currency' => '',
'List Campaign Currencies' => '',
'List Campaigns' => '',
'New Campaign' => '',
'List Currencies' => '',
'New Currency' => '',
'Edit Campaign Currency' => '',
'New Campaign Currency' => '',
'Campaign Currency' => '',
'Currency' => '',
'Delete Campaign Currency' => '',
'Campaign Inventories' => '',
'Add Campaign Inventory' => '',
'List Campaign Inventories' => '',
'Edit Campaign Inventory' => '',
'New Campaign Inventory' => '',
'Campaign Inventory' => '',
'Delete Campaign Inventory' => '',
'Site' => '',
'Widget' => '',
'Campaign Pos' => '',
'Add Campaign Po' => '',
'List Campaign Pos' => '',
'Position' => '',
'Edit Campaign Po' => '',
'New Campaign Po' => '',
'Campaign Po' => '',
'Delete Campaign Po' => '',
'Campaign Sources' => '',
'Add Campaign Source' => '',
'List Campaign Sources' => '',
'Edit Campaign Source' => '',
'New Campaign Source' => '',
'Campaign Source' => '',
'Delete Campaign Source' => '',
'Campaign Types' => '',
'Add Campaign Type' => '',
'List Campaign Types' => '',
'Manual Invoincing' => '',
'Button Text' => '',
'Params' => '',
'Edit Campaign Type' => '',
'New Campaign Type' => '',
'Button text' => '',
'Delete Campaign Type' => '',
'Campaign Type Id' => '',
'Ticket' => '',
'Shipping' => '',
'Accounts Api' => '',
'Max Sold' => '',
'Published' => '',
'New related Campaign' => '',
'Campaign Values' => '',
'Add Campaign Value' => '',
'List Campaign Values' => '',
'Edit Campaign Value' => '',
'New Campaign Value' => '',
'Campaign Value' => '',
'Delete Campaign Value' => '',
'Campaigns' => '',
'Campaign Customers' => '',
'Campaign customers' => '',
'Date' => '',
'Trans ID' => '',
'Camp ID' => '',
'Campaign name' => '',
'Gender' => '',
'ZIP' => '',
'Localee' => '',
'The title of the campaign' => '',
'The full description' => '',
'Mobile Description' => '',
'The short description of the campaign' => '',
'SMS checkbox' => '',
'SMS' => '',
'Success Subject' => '',
'Success Body' => '',
'Goal Tracking Script/Image' => '',
'Total Price' => '',
'Total VAT' => '',
'Total Real VAT' => '',
'VAT' => '',
'Real VAT' => '',
In this field you enter the original/full value of the offer in the campaign = 100%<br/>
In this field you enter the price of the campaign including VAT, which can be any value from 0 to 100% of the value in the field "Value" above.<br/>
In this field you enter the VAT % of the original price excluding VAT, which can be any value from 0 to 100%.<br/>
This is the percentage discount that the campaign Price is relative to the Value. It is calculated automatically.<br/>
This is the currency of the campaign. In the drop down menu, select the appropriate currency. In the reports, all campaign revenues in the currencies you select for your campaigns will be presented individually<br/>
' => '',
'Sold in period' => '',
'Expired' => '',
'Unpublished' => '',
'Edit Campaign' => '',
'Customers List' => '',
'Transaction Note' => '',
'Delete Campaign' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete campaign "%s"?' => '',
'Preview' => '',
'Width' => '',
'Height' => '',
'Locale' => '',
'Widget Locale' => '',
'Widget Currency' => '',
'Widget Dimensions' => '',
'Share' => '',
'Invoice Details for Campaign' => '',
'Invoice Details' => '',
'Print Invoice' => '',
'Publisher' => '',
'Qty' => '',
'Unit' => '',
'Total' => '',
'Transaction' => '',
'Publisher commision' => '',
'Total Advertiser' => '',
'The above information and template should be used to produce an invoice according to local law for campaign settlements and as well as for other administrative needs. Parameters and numbers are according to the transactions made for this campaign.' => '',
'Are you sure you want to leave the Campaign Wizard?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to leave wizard form before submit?' => '',
'Please select Locale for all Campaign Contents!' => '',
'Cropping' => '',
'Banner width and height can not be blank!' => '',
'Banner height can not be less than' => '',
'Crop' => '',
'Banner width or height can not be blank!' => '',
'Are you sure you want to remove this banner?' => '',
'No source found for image' => '',
'Remove this image' => '',
'Remove this content' => '',
'Content' => '',
'Remove this value' => '',
'Campaign Wizard' => '',
'Contents' => '',
'Values' => '',
'Pictures' => '',
'Fields' => '',
'Locations' => '',
'Campaign Name' => '',
'Campaign type' => '',
'Campaign category' => '',
'Max Limit' => '',
'Max Quantity' => '',
'Generate Ticket' => '',
'A unique ticket/coupon/voucher will be generated for the customer (primarily used offline).' => '',
'Require Birthdate' => '',
'Address details will be required by the customer.' => '',
'Require Address' => '',
'Skip Payment' => '',
'Payment step will be skipped even if campaign is not free.' => '',
'If the Advertiser has AccountsAPI defined; this can be checked to use it for creating remote accounts.' => '',
'Open source image' => '',
'Custom Fields' => '',
'In this section, you can add additional fields to the campaign. These fields will show up on the checkout as options for the customer to select. Example; Size: XS, S, M, L, XL etc.' => '',
'Remove Custom field' => '',
'Custom Field Name' => '',
'Options' => '',
'Add Custom Field' => '',
'To add new custom fields simply press the + button. You can add as many fields as needed.
Enter the fields name, example "Size" or "Color". Once name is entered go ahead with adding the field values.
To add field values simply enter the value in the input box. To add more values use the + button. To remove a value use the - button.
To remove a Custom Field use the X button the right side of the field area to remove it completely.' => '',
'Point of sales' => '',
'Select physical Point Of Sales. You can enter the location, click to drop or click to drag the markers. ' => '',
'Location' => '',
'File Upload ' => '',
'In this section, you upload the pictures that will be used in the campaign widget shown on the publishers site. You can upload multiple images per campaign.' => '',
'Choose banner dimensions from the list and upload desired picture.' => '',
'Banner dimensions:' => '',
'Width:' => '',
'Height:' => '',
'Image' => '',
'Upload' => '',
Banner dimensions:<br/>
In this drop down menu, default setting is "custom", in which you determine the width and height of the pictures you want to present in the widget of the campaign. However, we have also included the option to select any IAB standard size for your ease.<br/>
Select the size and then click in the field to the right of "Image", automatically your standard file keeper (e.g. Windows Explorer) will open for you to select a file to upload. Once you select and click "open", you can upload the file by clicking "upload".<br/>
The file you selected will be uploaded to the campaign. If the size of the picture you selected to be uploaded matches the size you selected under "Banner dimensions" it will show immediately below "Image".
If the size of the uploaded file differs from the size you selected under "Banner dimensions", a cropping box will open for you to crop the picture to the size you selected in "Banner dimensions". Pull the crop box to cover the full picture.<br/>
Should the width x height proportions of the uploaded image not match the proportions you selected under "Banner dimensions", reassess. Either change the picture or the "Banner dimensions"<br/>
You can repeat this process until you've uploaded all images that you want to use for the campaign.' => '',
'Commissions' => '',
'Add Commission' => '',
'List Commissions' => '',
'Minimum' => '',
'Maximum' => '',
'Edit Commission' => '',
'New Commission' => '',
'Delete Commission' => '',
'Related Resellers' => '',
'New related Reseller' => '',
'Related Publishers' => '',
'Timezone' => '',
'New related Publisher' => '',
'Related Advertisers' => '',
'New related Advertiser' => '',
'Countries' => '',
'Add Country' => '',
'List Countries' => '',
'En Country Name' => '',
'Local Country Name' => '',
'En Language Name' => '',
'Local Language Name' => '',
'Iso2 Char' => '',
'Iso3 Char' => '',
'Phone Country Code' => '',
'Edit Country' => '',
'New Country' => '',
'Delete Country' => '',
'Related Campaign Contents' => '',
'Locale Id' => '',
'New related Campaign Content' => '',
'Create Date' => '',
'Role Id' => '',
'New related User' => '',
'Currencies' => '',
'Admin Add' => '',
'Admin Add Currency' => '',
'Symbol' => '',
'Left Sign' => '',
'Right Sign' => '',
'Iso4217-alpha' => '',
'Iso4217-numeric' => '',
'Unitname-major' => '',
'Unitname-minor' => '',
'Display Decimals' => '',
'Display Format' => '',
'Admin Edit' => '',
'Admin Edit Currency' => '',
'Admin View' => '',
'Edit Currency' => '',
'Delete Currency' => '',
'Related Campaign Values' => '',
'New related Campaign Value' => '',
'Related Countries' => '',
'New related Country' => '',
'Customers' => '',
'Add Customer' => '',
'List Customers' => '',
'Email' => '',
'Phone County No' => '',
'Phone Number' => '',
'Person Number' => '',
'Edit Customer' => '',
'PNO' => '',
'New Customer' => '',
'Customer' => '',
'Delete Customer' => '',
'Related Tickets' => '',
'Code' => '',
'USED' => '',
'NOT USED' => '',
'From' => '',
'To' => '',
'Select site(s)...' => '',
'Filter' => '',
'Turnover' => '',
'Software Commission' => '',
'Publisher Commission' => '',
'Advertiser Total Net' => '',
'Advertiser Commission' => '',
'Publisher Total Net' => '',
'Reseller Commission' => '',
'Reseller Total Net' => '',
'Collapse this branch' => '',
'Campaigns Contents' => '',
'Campaigns Values' => '',
'Campaigns POS' => '',
'Campaigns Categories' => '',
'Campaigns Inventories' => '',
'Campaigns Sources' => '',
'Campaigns Types' => '',
'i18n' => '',
'Languages' => '',
'Locales' => '',
'PSPs' => '',
'PSPs Configuration' => '',
'Transaction Log' => '',
'Revenue' => '',
'Parties' => '',
'VATs' => '',
'System' => '',
'Roles' => '',
'Variables' => '',
'Shorturls' => '',
'Init DB Rights' => '',
'Clear Cache' => '',
'Inventory' => '',
'Sites' => '',
'Widgets' => '',
'My Account' => '',
'Tree Structure' => '',
'Settlement' => '',
'Incoming Messages' => '',
'Sent Messages' => '',
'What is it?' => '',
'Why use it?' => '',
'Features & Pricing' => '',
'FAQ' => '',
'About Us' => '',
'Contact Us' => '',
'Clients & Press' => '',
'Login' => '',
'Reports' => '',
'Reseller' => '',
'Subresellers' => '',
'Trend' => '',
'Tickets' => '',
'Transactions Advertisers' => '',
'Transactions Publishers' => '',
'Transactions Reseller' => '',
'Entities' => '',
'Resellers' => '',
'Publishers' => '',
'Managers' => '',
'Support' => '',
'Dear %s, ' => '',
'To validate your Swifler account, you must visit the URL below within 24 hours:' => '',
'Should you ever have any questions, feel free to contact our support team at support@swifler.com' => '',
'Dear User, ' => '',
'A request to reset your password was sent. To change your password you must visit the URL below:' => '',
'Swifler' => '',
'Oops!' => '',
'403 Premission Required' => '',
'You don't have premission to access this page.' => '',
'404 Not Found' => '',
'Sorry, an error has occured, Requested page not found!' => '',
'Friends' => '',
'Add Friend' => '',
'List Friends' => '',
'Edit Friend' => '',
'New Friend' => '',
'Friend' => '',
'Delete Friend' => '',
'Related Coupons' => '',
'Coupon Code' => '',
'Valid Till' => '',
'New related Coupon' => '',
'External' => '',
'empty' => '',
'Unactive' => '',
'Add Language' => '',
'List Languages' => '',
'Native Language Name' => '',
'Iso 639-1' => '',
'Iso 639-2' => '',
'Edit Language' => '',
'New Language' => '',
'Delete Language' => '',
'No results matched' => '',
'Swifler 1.0.' => '',
'Logged in as' => '',
'Logout' => '',
'You have' => '',
'new message(s)' => '',
'Select one' => '',
'Select one or more' => '',
'Hello %s,' => '',
'to validate your account, you must visit the URL below within 24 hours' => '',
'Should you ever have any questions, feel free to contact our support team at info@swifler.com' => '',
'Add Locale' => '',
'List Locales' => '',
'Edit Locale' => '',
'New Locale' => '',
'Delete Locale' => '',
'Admin Add Manager' => '',
'List Managers' => '',
'Admin Edit Manager' => '',
'New Manager' => '',
'Edit Manager' => '',
'Delete Manager' => '',
'Messages' => '',
'New Message' => '',
'Text' => '',
'Send' => '',
'Write new Message' => '',
'Sent' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete message # %s?' => '',
'Message' => '',
'Reply' => '',
'Write New Message' => '',
'Delete Message' => '',
'Message Id' => '',
'SwedishStartupSpace interviews Swifler Chairman Mr. Henrik Norström' => '',
'Swifler signs Scandinavia´s nr.1 online casino – Vera&John' => '',
'MedieKompaniet, one of the largest media agencies in Sweden signs with Swifler.' => '',
'Bonnier Magazines is the latest client of Swifler' => '',
'Swifler files patent for In-Ad Transaction solution' => '',
'Latest Swifler press and client information at www.Swifler.com' => '',
'Read full article' => '',
'Add Party' => '',
'List Parties' => '',
'Payment' => '',
'Edit Party' => '',
'New Party' => '',
'Party' => '',
'Delete Party' => '',
'This is only a preview' => '',
'Psp Configurations' => '',
'Add Psp Configuration' => '',
'List Psp Configurations' => '',
'Edit Psp Configuration' => '',
'New Psp Configuration' => '',
'Psp' => '',
'Psp Configuration' => '',
'Delete Psp Configuration' => '',
'Psps' => '',
'Add Psp' => '',
'List Psps' => '',
'Mobile Library' => '',
'Icon Upload' => '',
'Edit Psp' => '',
'Human Name' => '',
'New Psp' => '',
'Delete Psp' => '',
'Icon' => '',
'Related Psp Configurations' => '',
'New related Psp Configuration' => '',
'Add Publisher' => '',
'List Publishers' => '',
'Edit Publisher' => '',
'New Publisher' => '',
'Delete Publisher' => '',
'Related Managers' => '',
'New related Manager' => '',
'Site Url' => '',
'Site Title Dom' => '',
'Site Text Dom' => '',
'Site Keywords Dom' => '',
'New related Site' => '',
'Related Supports' => '',
'User Id' => '',
'New related Support' => '',
'Rates' => '',
'Add Rate' => '',
'List Rates' => '',
'List Resellers' => '',
'New Reseller' => '',
'Edit Rate' => '',
'New Rate' => '',
'Rate' => '',
'Range From' => '',
'Range To' => '',
'Percentage' => '',
'Delete Rate' => '',
'Dashboard' => '',
'Dashboard data' => '',
'Pending Transactions' => '',
'Completed Transactions' => '',
'Canceled Transactions' => '',
'Active Campaigns' => '',
'Click Through Rate' => '',
'Click to Transaction' => '',
'Valid from' => '',
'Valid to' => '',
' Click to view Campaign ' => '',
'Transactions/Site' => '',
'Trend Report' => '',
'Trend Report data' => '',
'PSP' => '',
'Campaign Required Info' => '',
'Distinct Campaign' => '',
'Platform' => '',
'Hourly Impressions' => '',
'Daily Impressions' => '',
'Admin Add Reseller' => '',
'Parent Reseller' => '',
'Edit Reseller' => '',
'Delete Reseller' => '',
'New Child Reseller' => '',
'Add Role' => '',
'List Roles' => '',
'Edit role' => '',
'Edit Role' => '',
'View Role' => '',
'Delete Role' => '',
'New Role' => '',
'Roles Users' => '',
'Add Roles User' => '',
'List Roles Users' => '',
'Edit Roles User' => '',
'New Roles User' => '',
'Roles User' => '',
'Delete Roles User' => '',
'Role' => '',
'Segmentation test form' => '',
'Tags' => '',
'Article body' => '',
'Add Shorturl' => '',
'List Shorturls' => '',
'Url' => '',
'Edit Shorturl' => '',
'New Shorturl' => '',
'Base64 Url' => '',
'Shorturl' => '',
'Delete Shorturl' => '',
'Add Site' => '',
'List Sites' => '',
'CSS' => '',
'Email Enabled' => '',
'Email from address ' => '',
'Email from name' => '',
'Email Host' => '',
'Email port' => '',
'Email username' => '',
'Email password' => '',
'Autocomplete Library' => '',
'Autocomplete Configuration' => '',
'Edit Site' => '',
'New Site' => '',
'Delete Site' => '',
'Email from address' => '',
'Email host' => '',
'Supports' => '',
'Add Support' => '',
'List Supports' => '',
'Edit Support' => '',
'New Support' => '',
'Delete Support' => '',
'Swifler Abouts' => '',
'Add Swifler About' => '',
'List Swifler Abouts' => '',
'Edit Swifler About' => '',
'New Swifler About' => '',
'Swifler About' => '',
'Delete Swifler About' => '',
'System Variables' => '',
'Add System Variable' => '',
'List System Variables' => '',
'Edit System Variable' => '',
'New System Variable' => '',
'System Variable' => '',
'Delete System Variable' => '',
'Add Ticket' => '',
'List Tickets' => '',
'Ticket Code' => '',
'Edit Ticket' => '',
'New Ticket' => '',
'Delete Ticket' => '',
'Related Customer' => '',
'Transaction Advertisers' => '',
'Add Transaction Advertiser' => '',
'List Transaction Advertisers' => '',
'Edit Transaction Advertiser' => '',
'New Transaction' => '',
'Transaction Advertiser' => '',
'Delete Transaction Advertiser' => '',
'New Transaction Advertiser' => '',
'Transaction Logs' => '',
'Add Transaction Log' => '',
'List Transaction Logs' => '',
'Log' => '',
'Edit Transaction Log' => '',
'New Transaction Log' => '',
'Delete Transaction Log' => '',
'Transaction Publishers' => '',
'Add Transaction Publisher' => '',
'List Transaction Publishers' => '',
'Edit Transaction Publisher' => '',
'Transaction Publisher' => '',
'Delete Transaction Publisher' => '',
'New Transaction Publisher' => '',
'Transaction Resellers' => '',
'Add Transaction Reseller' => '',
'List Transaction Resellers' => '',
'Edit Transaction Reseller' => '',
'Transaction Reseller' => '',
'Delete Transaction Reseller' => '',
'New Transaction Reseller' => '',
'Add Transaction' => '',
'List Transactions' => '',
'Edit Transaction' => '',
'TICKETS' => '',
'DETAILS:' => '',
'Transaction Date' => '',
'Transaction ID' => '',
'Campaign ID' => '',
'Total Paid' => '',
'Phone number' => '',
'Address 1' => '',
'Address 2 / Company' => '',
'Receipt resent.' => '',
'Download Receipt PDF' => '',
'Refund Transaction' => '',
'Are you sure you want to Refund Transaction # %s?' => '',
'Related Transaction Advertisers' => '',
'New related Transaction Advertiser' => '',
'Related Transaction Publishers' => '',
'New related Transaction Publisher' => '',
'Related Transaction Resellers' => '',
'New related Transaction Reseller' => '',
'Transaction Custom Fields' => '',
'Admin Add User' => '',
'List Users' => '',
'Admin Edit User' => '',
'Confirm password' => '',
'Select Date' => '',
'Type' => '',
'Sum' => '',
'id' => '',
'First name' => '',
'Last name' => '',
'Sign In' => '',
'Sign in using your registered account:' => '',
'Email Address:' => '',
'Password:' => '',
'Keep me signed in' => '',
'Sign Up' => '',
'Forgot your' => '',
'New Password' => '',
'Confirm New Password' => '',
'Please enter a new password for your account.' => '',
'Forgot Password?' => '',
'Please enter the email you used for registration and you'll get an email with further instructions.' => '',
'E-mail' => '',
'Hello %s, please remove AdBlocker for Swifler!' => '',
'Tree structure' => '',
'Create Your Account' => '',
'Fill out the form below to register an account with Swifler and get started using our revolutionary solution within minutes.' => '',
'Publishers that have business relations with advertisers and/or want to use our library of sourced campaigns use Swifler. Advertisers that want to make sure their advertising converts up to 300% better than traditional banner advertising use Swifler. Now you can start using Swifler as well!' => '',
'The cost of our service: 5% / transaction with minimum of 20 SEK.' => '',
'First Name:' => '',
'Last Name:' => '',
'Confirm Password:' => '',
'Choose Role' => '',
'Choose Role...' => '',
'Company' => '',
'Company Name' => '',
'Company Details' => '',
'Address, Zip, City, State' => '',
'Payment Details' => '',
'Bank Name, IBAN and SWIFT' => '',
'Site Name' => '',
'Custom Email Server' => '',
'Site Email from address' => '',
'Site Email from name' => '',
'Site Email host' => '',
'Site Email port' => '',
'Site Email username' => '',
'Site Email password' => '',
'Payment Solutions' => '',
'Choose Country...' => '',
'AuthorizeNet Api login key' => '',
'AuthorizeNet Transaction key' => '',
'AuthorizeNet Secret question' => '',
'Included' => '',
'Custom Merchant Details' => '',
'Paynova Merchant id' => '',
'Paynova Secret key' => '',
'Paynova Pn server url' => '',
'Paynova Server url' => '',
'PugglePay Merchant id' => '',
'PugglePay Api key' => '',
'Stripe Secret key' => '',
'Stripe Publishable key' => '',
'I have read and agreed with the %s.' => '',
'Already have an account?' => '',
'My account' => '',
'Edit User' => '',
'Delete User' => '',
'Related Roles' => '',
'New Alternative Roles' => '',
'Lft' => '',
'Rght' => '',
'Vats' => '',
'Add Vat' => '',
'List Vats' => '',
'Vat' => '',
'Source' => '',
'Destination' => '',
'Edit Vat' => '',
'New Vat' => '',
'Delete Vat' => '',
'Add Widget' => '',
'List Widgets' => '',
'Choose one' => '',
'Custom App Indetifier' => '',
'Edit Widget' => '',
'New Widget' => '',
'Delete Widget' => '',
'notempty' => '',
'This field cannot be left blank' => '',
'Please enter campaign name' => '',
'Please enter a valid from date.' => '',
'Please enter a valid to date.' => '',
'Please select at least one campaign manager' => '',
'date' => '',
'email' => '',
'Select at least one Publisher or one Reseller.' => '',
'Please enter recepient's address' => '',
'Please enter sender's address' => '',
'Please enter message subject' => '',
'Please insert URL' => '',
'This URL already exists' => '',
'Not Valid Url' => '',
'This field is required' => '',
'Wrong URL format' => '',
'numeric' => '',
'Please select another locale, this one is already taken.' => '',
'Must not be empty.' => '',
'Please enter a valid email address.' => '',
'This email is already in use.' => '',
'Please enter password.' => '',
'The password must have at least 6 characters.' => '',
'The passwords are not equal, please try again.' => '',
'Please enter your first name' => '',
'Please enter your last name' => '',
'datetime' => '',
'boolean' => '',
'valErrMandatoryField' => '',
'valErrRecordNameExists' => '',
'valErrInvalidRange' => '',
'%plural-c' => 'nplurals=INTEGER;plural=EXPRESSION;'
$config = '_cake_core_'
$settings = array(
'password' => '*****',
'prefix' => '*****',
'engine' => 'File',
'path' => '/home/ubuntu/swypto/www/app/tmp/cache/persistent/',
'serialize' => true,
'duration' => (int) 10,
'user' => 'mOo',
'lock' => true,
'isWindows' => false,
'mask' => (int) 436,
'probability' => (int) 100,
'groups' => array()
$success = false
Cache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323
I18n::translate() - CORE/Cake/I18n/I18n.php, line 175
__ - CORE/Cake/basics.php, line 556
include - APP/View/Users/request_password_change.ctp, line 36
View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 935
View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 897
View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 466
Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 954
UsersController::sendPasswordReset() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 582
UsersController::remind_password() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 537
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 490
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 185
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 160
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 92
Forgot Password?
Code Context
$key = 'default_sv__s_e' $value = array( 'LC_MESSAGES' => array( 'password' => '*****', 'Invalid address' => '', 'The address has been saved' => '', 'The address could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Address deleted' => '', 'Address was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid advertiser' => '', 'The advertiser has been saved' => '', 'The advertiser could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'The new user could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Advertiser deleted' => '', 'Advertiser was not deleted' => '', 'No advertisers data' => '', 'Invalid app identifier' => '', 'The app identifier has been saved' => '', 'The app identifier could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'App identifier deleted' => '', 'App identifier was not deleted' => '', 'Sent original image dimensions are incorrect!' => '', 'File %s does NOT exist!' => '', 'File %s is not of valid extension!' => '', 'An error occured while creating new image!' => '', 'An error occured while uploading file (1)!' => '', 'Please select some locale' => '', 'Please an image.' => '', 'Invalid file format!' => '', 'Invalid file size!' => '', 'An error occured while uploading file (2)!' => '', 'An error occured while uploading file (3)!' => '', 'Invalid campaign category' => '', 'The campaign category has been saved' => '', 'The campaign category could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Campaign category deleted' => '', 'Campaign category was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid campaign content' => '', 'The campaign content has been saved' => '', 'The campaign content could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Campaign content deleted' => '', 'Campaign content was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid campaign currency' => '', 'The campaign currency has been saved' => '', 'The campaign currency could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Campaign currency deleted' => '', 'Campaign currency was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid campaign inventory' => '', 'The campaign inventory has been saved' => '', 'The campaign inventory could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Campaign inventory deleted' => '', 'Campaign inventory was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid campaign po' => '', 'The campaign po has been saved' => '', 'The campaign po could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Campaign po deleted' => '', 'Campaign po was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid campaigns source' => '', 'The campaigns source has been saved' => '', 'The campaigns source could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Campaigns source deleted' => '', 'Campaigns source was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid campaign type' => '', 'The campaign type has been saved' => '', 'The campaign type could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Campaign type deleted' => '', 'Campaign type was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid campaign value' => '', 'The campaign value has been saved' => '', 'The campaign value could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Campaign value deleted' => '', 'Campaign value was not deleted' => '', 'The campaign has been saved' => '', 'The campaign could not be saved. Please make sure you fill out all required fields.' => '', ' Campaigns details took from existing campaign. This campaign is not saved, please continue with edit and save.' => '', 'Invalid campaign' => '', 'The campaign was published' => '', 'The campaign could not be published. Please, try again.' => '', 'The campaign was unpublished' => '', 'The campaign could not be unpublished. Please, try again.' => '', 'Advertisers can only edit unpublished campaigns.' => '', 'Campaign deleted' => '', 'Campaign was not deleted' => '', 'Campaign access not allowed' => '', 'No campaigns data' => '', 'There are no widgets attached to campaign' => '', 'There are no locales or contents and pictures locales do not match' => '', 'Generate Tag' => '', 'Preview Campaign' => '', 'Invalid commission' => '', 'The commission has been saved' => '', 'The commission could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Commission deleted' => '', 'Commission was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid country' => '', 'The country has been saved' => '', 'The country could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Country deleted' => '', 'Country was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid currency' => '', 'The currency has been saved' => '', 'The currency could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Currency deleted' => '', 'Currency was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid customer' => '', 'The customer has been saved' => '', 'The customer could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Customer deleted' => '', 'Customer was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid friend' => '', 'The friend has been saved' => '', 'The friend could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Friend deleted' => '', 'Friend was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid language' => '', 'The language has been saved' => '', 'The language could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Language deleted' => '', 'Language was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid locale' => '', 'The locale has been saved' => '', 'The locale could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Locale deleted' => '', 'Locale was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid manager' => '', 'The manager has been saved' => '', 'The manager could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Manager deleted' => '', 'Manager was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid message' => '', 'Message deleted' => '', 'Message was not deleted' => '', 'The message has been sent' => '', 'The message could not be sent. Please, try again.' => '', 'Invalid party' => '', 'The party has been saved' => '', 'The party could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Party deleted' => '', 'Party was not deleted' => '', 'Preview only' => '', 'Invalid psp configuration' => '', 'The psp configuration has been saved' => '', 'The psp configuration could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Psp configuration deleted' => '', 'Psp configuration was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid psp' => '', 'The psp has been saved' => '', 'The psp could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Psp deleted' => '', 'Psp was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid publisher' => '', 'The publisher has been saved' => '', 'The publisher could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Publisher deleted' => '', 'Publisher was not deleted' => '', 'Impressions' => '', 'Clicks' => '', 'Transactions' => '', 'Reports Resellers' => '', 'Reports Publishers' => '', 'Reports Advertisers' => '', 'Invalid reseller' => '', 'The reseller has been saved' => '', 'The reseller could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Reseller deleted' => '', 'Reseller was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid role' => '', 'The role has been saved' => '', 'The role could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Role deleted' => '', 'Role was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid shorturl' => '', 'The shorturl has been saved' => '', 'The shorturl could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Shorturl deleted' => '', 'Shorturl was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid site' => '', 'The site has been saved' => '', 'The site could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Site deleted' => '', 'Site was not deleted' => '', 'No sites data' => '', 'Invalid support' => '', 'The user has been saved' => '', 'The support could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'The support has been saved' => '', 'Support deleted' => '', 'Support was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid swifler about' => '', 'The swifler about has been saved' => '', 'The swifler about could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Swifler about deleted' => '', 'Swifler about was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid system variable' => '', 'The system variable has been saved' => '', 'The system variable could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'System variable deleted' => '', 'System variable was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid ticket' => '', 'The ticket has been saved' => '', 'The ticket could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Ticket deleted' => '', 'Ticket was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid transaction advertiser' => '', 'The transaction advertiser has been saved' => '', 'The transaction advertiser could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Transaction advertiser deleted' => '', 'Transaction advertiser was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid transaction log' => '', 'The transaction log has been saved' => '', 'The transaction log could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Transaction log deleted' => '', 'Transaction log was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid transaction publisher' => '', 'The transaction publisher has been saved' => '', 'The transaction publisher could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Transaction publisher deleted' => '', 'Transaction publisher was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid transaction reseller' => '', 'The transaction reseller has been saved' => '', 'The transaction reseller could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Transaction reseller deleted' => '', 'Transaction reseller was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid transaction' => '', 'The transaction has been saved' => '', 'The transaction could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'No Active PSP Configuration found for the PSP used on the Site.' => '', 'Transaction Refunded' => '', 'No transaction data' => '', 'Transaction has already been refunded' => '', 'Invalid user' => '', 'The user could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'User deleted' => '', 'User was not deleted' => '', 'Your username or password was incorrect.' => '', 'Login limit exceeded, please try again later.' => '', 'You have been logged out.' => '', 'Wrong password.' => '', 'New passwords do not match' => '', 'User informations updated' => '', 'You need to select at least one Payment Solution' => '', 'Your account has been created. You should receive an e-mail shortly to authenticate your account. Once validated you will be able to login.' => '', 'Your account could not be created. Please, try again.' => '', 'You must agree to terms of use.' => '', 'You are already registered and logged in!' => '', 'Your e-mail has been validated!' => '', '%s has been sent an email with instruction to reset their password.' => '', 'You should receive an email with further instructions shortly' => '', 'No user was found with that email.' => '', 'Invalid password reset token, try again.' => '', 'Password changed, you can now login with your new password.' => '', 'No user token found. Make sure you send correct username and password in POST.' => '', 'Transaction not found.' => '', 'Settlement access not allowed' => '', 'Invalid vat' => '', 'The vat has been saved' => '', 'The vat could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Vat deleted' => '', 'Vat was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid widget' => '', 'The widget has been saved' => '', 'The widget could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Widget deleted' => '', 'Widget was not deleted' => '', 'The widget has been generated' => '', 'No widgets data' => '', 'Invalid options %s' => '', 'Error occured when deleting file(' => '', 'Invalid token, please check the email you were sent, and retry the verification link.' => '', 'The token has expired.' => '', 'This Email Address exists but was never validated.' => '', 'This Email Address does not exist in the system.' => '', 'The passwords are not equal.' => '', 'Plugin to process' => '', 'Better manage, and easily synchronize you application's ACO tree' => '', 'Add new ACOs for new controllers and actions. Does not remove nodes from the ACO table.' => '', 'Perform a full sync on the ACO table.Will create new ACOs or missing controllers and actions.Will also remove orphaned entries that no longer have a matching controller/action' => '', 'Verify the tree structure of either your Aco or Aro Trees' => '', 'The type of tree to verify' => '', 'Recover a corrupted Tree' => '', 'The type of tree to recover' => '', '<error>Plugin %s not found or not activated</error>' => '', '<success>Aco Update Complete</success>' => '', 'Deleted %s and all children' => '', 'Created Aco node: <success>%s</success>' => '', 'Deleted Aco node: <warning>%s</warning>' => '', '<success>Tree is valid and strong</success>' => '', 'Tree has been recovered, or tree did not need recovery.' => '', '<error>Tree recovery failed.</error>' => '', 'Created Aco node: %s' => '', 'Deleted Aco node %s' => '', 'Tree is valid and strong' => '', 'HTTP Status 403 - Access is denied' => '', 'Message : You do not have permission to access this page!' => '', 'Roles permissions' => '', 'Users permissions' => '', 'User Manager: Permissions' => '', 'Sync Acos' => '', 'Actions / Roles' => '', 'All' => '', 'Success!' => '', 'You successfully changed the permission' => '', 'You successfully synced the Acos' => '', 'Sync Acos...' => '', 'User Manager' => '', 'Groups' => '', 'Permissions' => '', 'Groups permissions' => '', 'Search' => '', 'ID' => '', 'User Email' => '', 'Full Name' => '', 'Created' => '', 'Actions' => '', 'Permission' => '', 'Page {:page} of {:pages}, showing {:current} records out of {:count} total, starting on record {:start}, ending on {:end}' => '', 'previous' => '', 'next' => '', 'Back' => '', 'Actions / User' => '', 'Settings: General' => '', 'General' => '', 'Email templates' => '', 'New User' => '', 'Reset Password' => '', 'General Options' => '', 'Admin Email' => '', 'Email address' => '', 'Default Group' => '', 'Disable registrations' => '', 'Disable reset password' => '', 'Require email activation for new users' => '', 'ReCaptcha Options' => '', 'Enable' => '', 'Public Key' => '', 'Private Key' => '', 'Save changes' => '', 'You successfully changed the setting' => '', 'Error!' => '', 'Settings: Email (New User)' => '', 'Send link' => '', 'Subject' => '', 'Message body' => '', 'Shortcodes:' => '', 'Site address:' => '', 'Full name:' => '', 'User email:' => '', 'Activation link:' => '', 'Activated' => '', 'Settings: Email (Reset Password)' => '', 'Request' => '', 'Success' => '', 'Invalid mjob job log' => '', 'The mjob job log has been saved' => '', 'The mjob job log could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Mjob job log deleted' => '', 'Mjob job log was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid mjob job parameter' => '', 'The mjob job parameter has been saved' => '', 'The mjob job parameter could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'Mjob job parameter deleted' => '', 'Mjob job parameter was not deleted' => '', 'Invalid m job job' => '', 'The m job job has been saved' => '', 'The m job job could not be saved. Please, try again.' => '', 'M job job deleted' => '', 'M job job was not deleted' => '', 'Mjob Job Logs' => '', 'Add' => '', 'Add Mjob Job Log' => '', 'List Mjob Job Logs' => '', 'Mjob Job Id' => '', 'Job Name' => '', 'Start' => '', 'End' => '', 'Info' => '', 'Submit' => '', 'Edit' => '', 'Edit Mjob Job Log' => '', 'Delete' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete # %s?' => '', 'Id' => '', 'New Mjob Job Log' => '', 'View' => '', 'Mjob Job Log' => '', 'Delete Mjob Job Log' => '', 'Mjob Job' => '', 'Modified' => '', 'Related' => '', 'Mjob Job Parameters' => '', 'Add Mjob Job Parameter' => '', 'List Mjob Job Parameters' => '', 'Name' => '', 'Value' => '', 'Edit Mjob Job Parameter' => '', 'New Mjob Job Parameter' => '', 'Mjob Job Parameter' => '', 'Delete Mjob Job Parameter' => '', 'M Job Jobs' => '', 'Add M Job Job' => '', 'List M Job Jobs' => '', 'Description' => '', 'Last Run' => '', 'Interval' => '', 'Next Run' => '', 'Running' => '', 'Use Logging' => '', 'Shell Task' => '', 'Use Queue' => '', 'Edit M Job Job' => '', 'New M Job Job' => '', 'M Job Job' => '', 'Delete M Job Job' => '', 'Related Mjob Job Logs' => '', 'New related Mjob Job Log' => '', 'Related Mjob Job Parameters' => '', 'New related Mjob Job Parameter' => '', 'invalid record' => '', 'record add %s saved' => '', 'formContainsErrors' => '', 'record edit %s saved' => '', 'record del %s done' => '', 'record del %s not done exception' => '', 'Error' => '', 'Task' => '', 'Model (Method)' => '', 'Add %s' => '', 'Cron Task' => '', 'Active' => '', 'List %s' => '', 'Cron Tasks' => '', 'Edit %s' => '', 'Jobtype' => '', 'Data' => '', 'Notbefore' => '', 'Completed' => '', 'Failed' => '', 'Failure Message' => '', 'Status' => '', 'Delete %s' => '', 'Queue' => '', 'Not running' => '', 'last %s' => '', 'Queued Tasks' => '', 'Statistics' => '', 'Reset %s' => '', 'Queue Tasks' => '', 'Sure? This will completely reset the queue.' => '', 'Addresses' => '', 'Add Address' => '', 'Home' => '', 'List Addresses' => '', 'Receiver' => '', 'Address1' => '', 'Address2' => '', 'Zip' => '', 'City' => '', 'State' => '', 'Country' => '', 'Edit Address' => '', 'New Address' => '', 'Address' => '', 'Delete Address' => '', 'Related Transactions' => '', 'External Id' => '', 'Unit Value' => '', 'Unit Discount' => '', 'Unit Price' => '', 'Unit Paid' => '', 'Discount Percentage' => '', 'Quantity' => '', 'Discount' => '', 'Price' => '', 'Paid' => '', 'Psp Id' => '', 'Currency Id' => '', 'Campaign Id' => '', 'Customer Id' => '', 'Friend Id' => '', 'Address Id' => '', 'Reseller Id' => '', 'Publisher Id' => '', 'Advertiser Id' => '', 'Site Id' => '', 'Widget Id' => '', 'Processed' => '', 'Batched' => '', 'Country Id' => '', 'New related Transaction' => '', 'Related Transactions Advertisers' => '', 'Transaction Id' => '', 'Net' => '', 'New related Transactions Advertiser' => '', 'Related Transactions Publishers' => '', 'New related Transactions Publisher' => '', 'Related Transactions Resellers' => '', 'New related Transactions Reseller' => '', 'Advertisers' => '', 'Add Advertiser' => '', 'List Advertisers' => '', 'Advertiser' => '', 'User' => '', 'AccountsAPI' => '', 'Terms and conditions' => '', 'Manager Id' => '', 'Party Id' => '', 'Commission Id' => '', 'BCC (, separated)' => '', 'Existing User' => '', 'Username' => '', 'Password' => '', 'Confirm Password' => '', 'First Name' => '', 'Last Name' => '', 'Language' => '', 'Library' => '', 'Configuration' => '', 'Username Required' => '', 'Password Required' => '', 'Terms & Conditions' => '', 'Edit Advertiser' => '', 'Users' => '', 'New Advertiser' => '', 'Delete Advertiser' => '', 'Manager' => '', 'Commission' => '', 'Account API' => '', 'Library name' => '', 'Accounts Api Username' => '', 'Accounts Api Password' => '', 'Terms and Conditions' => '', 'Related Campaigns' => '', 'Valid From' => '', 'Valid To' => '', 'Sold' => '', 'Wizard' => '', 'Related Users' => '', 'App Identifiers' => '', 'Add App Identifier' => '', 'List App Identifiers' => '', 'Android URL' => '', 'iOS URL' => '', 'Edit App Identifier' => '', 'New App Identifier' => '', 'App Identifier' => '', 'Delete App Identifier' => '', 'Related Widgets' => '', 'App Identifier Id' => '', 'New related Widget' => '', 'Campaign Categories' => '', 'Add Campaign Category' => '', 'List Campaign Categories' => '', 'Parent category' => '', 'Edit Campaign Category' => '', 'New Campaign Category' => '', 'Campaign Category' => '', 'Delete Campaign Category' => '', 'Parent Campaign Category' => '', 'Related Campaign Categories' => '', 'Parent Id' => '', 'New Child Campaign Category' => '', 'Related Sites' => '', 'Campaign Type' => '', 'Campaign Contents' => '', 'Add Campaign Content' => '', 'List Campaign Contents' => '', 'Title' => '', 'Teaser' => '', 'Keywords' => '', 'Images' => '', 'Tracking script' => '', 'Edit Campaign Content' => '', 'New Campaign Content' => '', 'Campaign Content' => '', 'Delete Campaign Content' => '', 'Campaign' => '', 'Related Locales' => '', 'Language Id' => '', 'I18n' => '', 'New related Locale' => '', 'Campaign Currencies' => '', 'add' => '', 'Add Campaign Currency' => '', 'List Campaign Currencies' => '', 'List Campaigns' => '', 'New Campaign' => '', 'List Currencies' => '', 'New Currency' => '', 'Edit Campaign Currency' => '', 'New Campaign Currency' => '', 'Campaign Currency' => '', 'Currency' => '', 'Delete Campaign Currency' => '', 'Campaign Inventories' => '', 'Add Campaign Inventory' => '', 'List Campaign Inventories' => '', 'Edit Campaign Inventory' => '', 'New Campaign Inventory' => '', 'Campaign Inventory' => '', 'Delete Campaign Inventory' => '', 'Site' => '', 'Widget' => '', 'Campaign Pos' => '', 'Add Campaign Po' => '', 'List Campaign Pos' => '', 'Position' => '', 'Edit Campaign Po' => '', 'New Campaign Po' => '', 'Campaign Po' => '', 'Delete Campaign Po' => '', 'Campaign Sources' => '', 'Add Campaign Source' => '', 'List Campaign Sources' => '', 'Edit Campaign Source' => '', 'New Campaign Source' => '', 'Campaign Source' => '', 'Delete Campaign Source' => '', 'Campaign Types' => '', 'Add Campaign Type' => '', 'List Campaign Types' => '', 'Manual Invoincing' => '', 'Button Text' => '', 'Params' => '', 'Edit Campaign Type' => '', 'New Campaign Type' => '', 'Button text' => '', 'Delete Campaign Type' => '', 'Campaign Type Id' => '', 'Ticket' => '', 'Shipping' => '', 'Accounts Api' => '', 'Max Sold' => '', 'Published' => '', 'New related Campaign' => '', 'Campaign Values' => '', 'Add Campaign Value' => '', 'List Campaign Values' => '', 'Edit Campaign Value' => '', 'New Campaign Value' => '', 'Campaign Value' => '', 'Delete Campaign Value' => '', 'Campaigns' => '', 'Campaign Customers' => '', 'Campaign customers' => '', 'Date' => '', 'Trans ID' => '', 'Camp ID' => '', 'Campaign name' => '', 'Gender' => '', 'ZIP' => '', 'Localee' => '', 'The title of the campaign' => '', 'The full description' => '', 'Mobile Description' => '', 'The short description of the campaign' => '', 'SMS checkbox' => '', 'SMS' => '', 'Success Subject' => '', 'Success Body' => '', 'Goal Tracking Script/Image' => '', 'Total Price' => '', 'Total VAT' => '', 'Total Real VAT' => '', 'VAT' => '', 'Real VAT' => '', ' Value<br/> In this field you enter the original/full value of the offer in the campaign = 100%<br/> <br/> Price<br/> In this field you enter the price of the campaign including VAT, which can be any value from 0 to 100% of the value in the field "Value" above.<br/> <br/> VAT<br/> In this field you enter the VAT % of the original price excluding VAT, which can be any value from 0 to 100%.<br/> <br/> Discount<br/> This is the percentage discount that the campaign Price is relative to the Value. It is calculated automatically.<br/> <br/> Currency<br/> This is the currency of the campaign. In the drop down menu, select the appropriate currency. In the reports, all campaign revenues in the currencies you select for your campaigns will be presented individually<br/> ' => '', 'Sold in period' => '', 'Expired' => '', 'Unpublished' => '', 'Edit Campaign' => '', 'Customers List' => '', 'Transaction Note' => '', 'Delete Campaign' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete campaign "%s"?' => '', 'Preview' => '', 'Width' => '', 'Height' => '', 'Locale' => '', 'Widget Locale' => '', 'Widget Currency' => '', 'Widget Dimensions' => '', 'Share' => '', 'Invoice Details for Campaign' => '', 'Invoice Details' => '', 'Print Invoice' => '', 'Publisher' => '', 'Qty' => '', 'Unit' => '', 'Total' => '', 'Transaction' => '', 'Publisher commision' => '', 'Total Advertiser' => '', 'The above information and template should be used to produce an invoice according to local law for campaign settlements and as well as for other administrative needs. Parameters and numbers are according to the transactions made for this campaign.' => '', 'Are you sure you want to leave the Campaign Wizard?' => '', 'Are you sure you want to leave wizard form before submit?' => '', 'Please select Locale for all Campaign Contents!' => '', 'Cropping' => '', 'Banner width and height can not be blank!' => '', 'Banner height can not be less than' => '', 'Crop' => '', 'Banner width or height can not be blank!' => '', 'Are you sure you want to remove this banner?' => '', 'No source found for image' => '', 'Remove this image' => '', 'Remove this content' => '', 'Content' => '', 'Remove this value' => '', 'Campaign Wizard' => '', 'Contents' => '', 'Values' => '', 'Pictures' => '', 'Fields' => '', 'Locations' => '', 'Campaign Name' => '', 'Campaign type' => '', 'Campaign category' => '', 'Max Limit' => '', 'Max Quantity' => '', 'Generate Ticket' => '', 'A unique ticket/coupon/voucher will be generated for the customer (primarily used offline).' => '', 'Require Birthdate' => '', 'Address details will be required by the customer.' => '', 'Require Address' => '', 'Skip Payment' => '', 'Payment step will be skipped even if campaign is not free.' => '', 'If the Advertiser has AccountsAPI defined; this can be checked to use it for creating remote accounts.' => '', 'Open source image' => '', 'Custom Fields' => '', 'In this section, you can add additional fields to the campaign. These fields will show up on the checkout as options for the customer to select. Example; Size: XS, S, M, L, XL etc.' => '', 'Remove Custom field' => '', 'Custom Field Name' => '', 'Options' => '', 'Add Custom Field' => '', 'To add new custom fields simply press the + button. You can add as many fields as needed. <br/><br/> Enter the fields name, example "Size" or "Color". Once name is entered go ahead with adding the field values. <br/><br/> To add field values simply enter the value in the input box. To add more values use the + button. To remove a value use the - button. <br/><br/> To remove a Custom Field use the X button the right side of the field area to remove it completely.' => '', 'Point of sales' => '', 'Select physical Point Of Sales. You can enter the location, click to drop or click to drag the markers. ' => '', 'Location' => '', 'File Upload ' => '', 'In this section, you upload the pictures that will be used in the campaign widget shown on the publishers site. You can upload multiple images per campaign.' => '', 'Choose banner dimensions from the list and upload desired picture.' => '', 'Banner dimensions:' => '', 'Width:' => '', 'Height:' => '', 'Image' => '', 'Upload' => '', ' Banner dimensions:<br/> In this drop down menu, default setting is "custom", in which you determine the width and height of the pictures you want to present in the widget of the campaign. However, we have also included the option to select any IAB standard size for your ease.<br/> <br/> Select the size and then click in the field to the right of "Image", automatically your standard file keeper (e.g. Windows Explorer) will open for you to select a file to upload. Once you select and click "open", you can upload the file by clicking "upload".<br/> <br/> The file you selected will be uploaded to the campaign. If the size of the picture you selected to be uploaded matches the size you selected under "Banner dimensions" it will show immediately below "Image". If the size of the uploaded file differs from the size you selected under "Banner dimensions", a cropping box will open for you to crop the picture to the size you selected in "Banner dimensions". Pull the crop box to cover the full picture.<br/> <br/> Should the width x height proportions of the uploaded image not match the proportions you selected under "Banner dimensions", reassess. Either change the picture or the "Banner dimensions"<br/> <br/> You can repeat this process until you've uploaded all images that you want to use for the campaign.' => '', 'Commissions' => '', 'Add Commission' => '', 'List Commissions' => '', 'Minimum' => '', 'Maximum' => '', 'Edit Commission' => '', 'New Commission' => '', 'Delete Commission' => '', 'Related Resellers' => '', 'New related Reseller' => '', 'Related Publishers' => '', 'Timezone' => '', 'New related Publisher' => '', 'Related Advertisers' => '', 'New related Advertiser' => '', 'Countries' => '', 'Add Country' => '', 'List Countries' => '', 'En Country Name' => '', 'Local Country Name' => '', 'En Language Name' => '', 'Local Language Name' => '', 'Iso2 Char' => '', 'Iso3 Char' => '', 'Phone Country Code' => '', 'Edit Country' => '', 'New Country' => '', 'Delete Country' => '', 'Related Campaign Contents' => '', 'Locale Id' => '', 'New related Campaign Content' => '', 'Create Date' => '', 'Role Id' => '', 'New related User' => '', 'Currencies' => '', 'Admin Add' => '', 'Admin Add Currency' => '', 'Symbol' => '', 'Left Sign' => '', 'Right Sign' => '', 'Iso4217-alpha' => '', 'Iso4217-numeric' => '', 'Unitname-major' => '', 'Unitname-minor' => '', 'Display Decimals' => '', 'Display Format' => '', 'Admin Edit' => '', 'Admin Edit Currency' => '', 'Admin View' => '', 'Edit Currency' => '', 'Delete Currency' => '', 'Related Campaign Values' => '', 'New related Campaign Value' => '', 'Related Countries' => '', 'New related Country' => '', 'Customers' => '', 'Add Customer' => '', 'List Customers' => '', 'Email' => '', 'Phone County No' => '', 'Phone Number' => '', 'Person Number' => '', 'Edit Customer' => '', 'PNO' => '', 'New Customer' => '', 'Customer' => '', 'Delete Customer' => '', 'Related Tickets' => '', 'Code' => '', 'USED' => '', 'NOT USED' => '', 'From' => '', 'To' => '', 'Select site(s)...' => '', 'Filter' => '', 'Turnover' => '', 'Software Commission' => '', 'Publisher Commission' => '', 'Advertiser Total Net' => '', 'Advertiser Commission' => '', 'Publisher Total Net' => '', 'Reseller Commission' => '', 'Reseller Total Net' => '', 'Collapse this branch' => '', 'Campaigns Contents' => '', 'Campaigns Values' => '', 'Campaigns POS' => '', 'Campaigns Categories' => '', 'Campaigns Inventories' => '', 'Campaigns Sources' => '', 'Campaigns Types' => '', 'i18n' => '', 'Languages' => '', 'Locales' => '', 'PSPs' => '', 'PSPs Configuration' => '', 'Transaction Log' => '', 'Revenue' => '', 'Parties' => '', 'VATs' => '', 'System' => '', 'Roles' => '', 'Variables' => '', 'Shorturls' => '', 'Init DB Rights' => '', 'Clear Cache' => '', 'Inventory' => '', 'Sites' => '', 'Widgets' => '', 'My Account' => '', 'Tree Structure' => '', 'Settlement' => '', 'Incoming Messages' => '', 'Sent Messages' => '', 'What is it?' => '', 'Why use it?' => '', 'Features & Pricing' => '', 'FAQ' => '', 'About Us' => '', 'Contact Us' => '', 'Clients & Press' => '', 'Login' => '', 'Reports' => '', 'Reseller' => '', 'Subresellers' => '', 'Trend' => '', 'Tickets' => '', 'Transactions Advertisers' => '', 'Transactions Publishers' => '', 'Transactions Reseller' => '', 'Entities' => '', 'Resellers' => '', 'Publishers' => '', 'Managers' => '', 'Support' => '', 'Dear %s, ' => '', 'To validate your Swifler account, you must visit the URL below within 24 hours:' => '', 'Should you ever have any questions, feel free to contact our support team at support@swifler.com' => '', 'Dear User, ' => '', 'A request to reset your password was sent. To change your password you must visit the URL below:' => '', 'Swifler' => '', 'Oops!' => '', '403 Premission Required' => '', 'You don't have premission to access this page.' => '', '404 Not Found' => '', 'Sorry, an error has occured, Requested page not found!' => '', 'Friends' => '', 'Add Friend' => '', 'List Friends' => '', 'Edit Friend' => '', 'New Friend' => '', 'Friend' => '', 'Delete Friend' => '', 'Related Coupons' => '', 'Coupon Code' => '', 'Valid Till' => '', 'New related Coupon' => '', 'External' => '', 'empty' => '', 'Unactive' => '', 'Add Language' => '', 'List Languages' => '', 'Native Language Name' => '', 'Iso 639-1' => '', 'Iso 639-2' => '', 'Edit Language' => '', 'New Language' => '', 'Delete Language' => '', 'No results matched' => '', 'Swifler 1.0.' => '', 'Logged in as' => '', 'Logout' => '', 'You have' => '', 'new message(s)' => '', 'Select one' => '', 'Select one or more' => '', 'Hello %s,' => '', 'to validate your account, you must visit the URL below within 24 hours' => '', 'Should you ever have any questions, feel free to contact our support team at info@swifler.com' => '', 'Add Locale' => '', 'List Locales' => '', 'Edit Locale' => '', 'New Locale' => '', 'Delete Locale' => '', 'Admin Add Manager' => '', 'List Managers' => '', 'Admin Edit Manager' => '', 'New Manager' => '', 'Edit Manager' => '', 'Delete Manager' => '', 'Messages' => '', 'New Message' => '', 'Text' => '', 'Send' => '', 'Write new Message' => '', 'Sent' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete message # %s?' => '', 'Message' => '', 'Reply' => '', 'Write New Message' => '', 'Delete Message' => '', 'Message Id' => '', 'SwedishStartupSpace interviews Swifler Chairman Mr. Henrik Norström' => '', 'Swifler signs Scandinavia´s nr.1 online casino – Vera&John' => '', 'MedieKompaniet, one of the largest media agencies in Sweden signs with Swifler.' => '', 'Bonnier Magazines is the latest client of Swifler' => '', 'Swifler files patent for In-Ad Transaction solution' => '', 'Latest Swifler press and client information at www.Swifler.com' => '', 'Read full article' => '', 'Add Party' => '', 'List Parties' => '', 'Payment' => '', 'Edit Party' => '', 'New Party' => '', 'Party' => '', 'Delete Party' => '', 'This is only a preview' => '', 'Psp Configurations' => '', 'Add Psp Configuration' => '', 'List Psp Configurations' => '', 'Edit Psp Configuration' => '', 'New Psp Configuration' => '', 'Psp' => '', 'Psp Configuration' => '', 'Delete Psp Configuration' => '', 'Psps' => '', 'Add Psp' => '', 'List Psps' => '', 'Mobile Library' => '', 'Icon Upload' => '', 'Edit Psp' => '', 'Human Name' => '', 'New Psp' => '', 'Delete Psp' => '', 'Icon' => '', 'Related Psp Configurations' => '', 'New related Psp Configuration' => '', 'Add Publisher' => '', 'List Publishers' => '', 'Edit Publisher' => '', 'New Publisher' => '', 'Delete Publisher' => '', 'Related Managers' => '', 'New related Manager' => '', 'Site Url' => '', 'Site Title Dom' => '', 'Site Text Dom' => '', 'Site Keywords Dom' => '', 'New related Site' => '', 'Related Supports' => '', 'User Id' => '', 'New related Support' => '', 'Rates' => '', 'Add Rate' => '', 'List Rates' => '', 'List Resellers' => '', 'New Reseller' => '', 'Edit Rate' => '', 'New Rate' => '', 'Rate' => '', 'Range From' => '', 'Range To' => '', 'Percentage' => '', 'Delete Rate' => '', 'Dashboard' => '', 'Dashboard data' => '', 'Pending Transactions' => '', 'Completed Transactions' => '', 'Canceled Transactions' => '', 'Active Campaigns' => '', 'Click Through Rate' => '', 'Click to Transaction' => '', 'Valid from' => '', 'Valid to' => '', ' Click to view Campaign ' => '', 'Transactions/Site' => '', 'Trend Report' => '', 'Trend Report data' => '', 'PSP' => '', 'Campaign Required Info' => '', 'Distinct Campaign' => '', 'Platform' => '', 'Hourly Impressions' => '', 'Daily Impressions' => '', 'Admin Add Reseller' => '', 'Parent Reseller' => '', 'Edit Reseller' => '', 'Delete Reseller' => '', 'New Child Reseller' => '', 'Add Role' => '', 'List Roles' => '', 'Edit role' => '', 'Edit Role' => '', 'View Role' => '', 'Delete Role' => '', 'New Role' => '', 'Roles Users' => '', 'Add Roles User' => '', 'List Roles Users' => '', 'Edit Roles User' => '', 'New Roles User' => '', 'Roles User' => '', 'Delete Roles User' => '', 'Role' => '', 'Segmentation test form' => '', 'Tags' => '', 'Article body' => '', 'Add Shorturl' => '', 'List Shorturls' => '', 'Url' => '', 'Edit Shorturl' => '', 'New Shorturl' => '', 'Base64 Url' => '', 'Shorturl' => '', 'Delete Shorturl' => '', 'Add Site' => '', 'List Sites' => '', 'CSS' => '', 'Email Enabled' => '', 'Email from address ' => '', 'Email from name' => '', 'Email Host' => '', 'Email port' => '', 'Email username' => '', 'Email password' => '', 'Autocomplete Library' => '', 'Autocomplete Configuration' => '', 'Edit Site' => '', 'New Site' => '', 'Delete Site' => '', 'Email from address' => '', 'Email host' => '', 'Supports' => '', 'Add Support' => '', 'List Supports' => '', 'Edit Support' => '', 'New Support' => '', 'Delete Support' => '', 'Swifler Abouts' => '', 'Add Swifler About' => '', 'List Swifler Abouts' => '', 'Edit Swifler About' => '', 'New Swifler About' => '', 'Swifler About' => '', 'Delete Swifler About' => '', 'System Variables' => '', 'Add System Variable' => '', 'List System Variables' => '', 'Edit System Variable' => '', 'New System Variable' => '', 'System Variable' => '', 'Delete System Variable' => '', 'Add Ticket' => '', 'List Tickets' => '', 'Ticket Code' => '', 'Edit Ticket' => '', 'New Ticket' => '', 'Delete Ticket' => '', 'Related Customer' => '', 'Transaction Advertisers' => '', 'Add Transaction Advertiser' => '', 'List Transaction Advertisers' => '', 'Edit Transaction Advertiser' => '', 'New Transaction' => '', 'Transaction Advertiser' => '', 'Delete Transaction Advertiser' => '', 'New Transaction Advertiser' => '', 'Transaction Logs' => '', 'Add Transaction Log' => '', 'List Transaction Logs' => '', 'Log' => '', 'Edit Transaction Log' => '', 'New Transaction Log' => '', 'Delete Transaction Log' => '', 'Transaction Publishers' => '', 'Add Transaction Publisher' => '', 'List Transaction Publishers' => '', 'Edit Transaction Publisher' => '', 'Transaction Publisher' => '', 'Delete Transaction Publisher' => '', 'New Transaction Publisher' => '', 'Transaction Resellers' => '', 'Add Transaction Reseller' => '', 'List Transaction Resellers' => '', 'Edit Transaction Reseller' => '', 'Transaction Reseller' => '', 'Delete Transaction Reseller' => '', 'New Transaction Reseller' => '', 'Add Transaction' => '', 'List Transactions' => '', 'Edit Transaction' => '', 'TICKETS' => '', 'DETAILS:' => '', 'Transaction Date' => '', 'Transaction ID' => '', 'Campaign ID' => '', 'Total Paid' => '', 'CUSTOMER DETAILS' => '', 'Phone number' => '', 'ADDRESS DETAILS' => '', 'Address 1' => '', 'Address 2 / Company' => '', 'ADVERTISER DETAILS' => '', 'Receipt resent.' => '', 'Download Receipt PDF' => '', 'Refund Transaction' => '', 'Are you sure you want to Refund Transaction # %s?' => '', 'Related Transaction Advertisers' => '', 'New related Transaction Advertiser' => '', 'Related Transaction Publishers' => '', 'New related Transaction Publisher' => '', 'Related Transaction Resellers' => '', 'New related Transaction Reseller' => '', 'Transaction Custom Fields' => '', 'Admin Add User' => '', 'List Users' => '', 'Admin Edit User' => '', 'Confirm password' => '', 'Select Date' => '', 'Type' => '', 'Sum' => '', 'id' => '', 'First name' => '', 'Last name' => '', 'Sign In' => '', 'Sign in using your registered account:' => '', 'Email Address:' => '', 'Password:' => '', 'Keep me signed in' => '', 'Sign Up' => '', 'Forgot your' => '', 'New Password' => '', 'Confirm New Password' => '', 'Please enter a new password for your account.' => '', 'Forgot Password?' => '', 'Please enter the email you used for registration and you'll get an email with further instructions.' => '', 'E-mail' => '', 'Hello %s, please remove AdBlocker for Swifler!' => '', 'Tree structure' => '', 'Create Your Account' => '', 'Fill out the form below to register an account with Swifler and get started using our revolutionary solution within minutes.' => '', 'Publishers that have business relations with advertisers and/or want to use our library of sourced campaigns use Swifler. Advertisers that want to make sure their advertising converts up to 300% better than traditional banner advertising use Swifler. Now you can start using Swifler as well!' => '', 'The cost of our service: 5% / transaction with minimum of 20 SEK.' => '', 'First Name:' => '', 'Last Name:' => '', 'Confirm Password:' => '', 'Choose Role' => '', 'Choose Role...' => '', 'Company' => '', 'Company Name' => '', 'Company Details' => '', 'Address, Zip, City, State' => '', 'Payment Details' => '', 'Bank Name, IBAN and SWIFT' => '', 'Site Name' => '', 'Custom Email Server' => '', 'Site Email from address' => '', 'Site Email from name' => '', 'Site Email host' => '', 'Site Email port' => '', 'Site Email username' => '', 'Site Email password' => '', 'Payment Solutions' => '', 'Choose Country...' => '', 'AuthorizeNet Api login key' => '', 'AuthorizeNet Transaction key' => '', 'AuthorizeNet Secret question' => '', 'Included' => '', 'Custom Merchant Details' => '', 'Paynova Merchant id' => '', 'Paynova Secret key' => '', 'Paynova Pn server url' => '', 'Paynova Server url' => '', 'PugglePay Merchant id' => '', 'PugglePay Api key' => '', 'Stripe Secret key' => '', 'Stripe Publishable key' => '', 'I have read and agreed with the %s.' => '', 'Already have an account?' => '', 'My account' => '', 'Edit User' => '', 'Delete User' => '', 'Related Roles' => '', 'New Alternative Roles' => '', 'Lft' => '', 'Rght' => '', 'Vats' => '', 'Add Vat' => '', 'List Vats' => '', 'Vat' => '', 'Source' => '', 'Destination' => '', 'Edit Vat' => '', 'New Vat' => '', 'Delete Vat' => '', 'Add Widget' => '', 'List Widgets' => '', 'Choose one' => '', 'Custom App Indetifier' => '', 'Edit Widget' => '', 'New Widget' => '', 'Delete Widget' => '', 'notempty' => '', 'This field cannot be left blank' => '', 'Please enter campaign name' => '', 'Please enter a valid from date.' => '', 'Please enter a valid to date.' => '', 'Please select at least one campaign manager' => '', 'date' => '', 'email' => '', 'Select at least one Publisher or one Reseller.' => '', 'Please enter recepient's address' => '', 'Please enter sender's address' => '', 'Please enter message subject' => '', 'Please insert URL' => '', 'This URL already exists' => '', 'Not Valid Url' => '', 'This field is required' => '', 'Wrong URL format' => '', 'numeric' => '', 'Please select another locale, this one is already taken.' => '', 'Must not be empty.' => '', 'Please enter a valid email address.' => '', 'This email is already in use.' => '', 'Please enter password.' => '', 'The password must have at least 6 characters.' => '', 'The passwords are not equal, please try again.' => '', 'Please enter your first name' => '', 'Please enter your last name' => '', 'datetime' => '', 'boolean' => '', 'valErrMandatoryField' => '', 'valErrRecordNameExists' => '', 'valErrInvalidRange' => '', '%plural-c' => 'nplurals=INTEGER;plural=EXPRESSION;' ) ) $config = '_cake_core_' $settings = array( 'password' => '*****', 'prefix' => '*****', 'engine' => 'File', 'path' => '/home/ubuntu/swypto/www/app/tmp/cache/persistent/', 'serialize' => true, 'duration' => (int) 10, 'user' => 'mOo', 'lock' => true, 'isWindows' => false, 'mask' => (int) 436, 'probability' => (int) 100, 'groups' => array() ) $success = false
Cache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323 I18n::translate() - CORE/Cake/I18n/I18n.php, line 175 __ - CORE/Cake/basics.php, line 556 include - APP/View/Users/request_password_change.ctp, line 36 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 935 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 897 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 466 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 954 UsersController::sendPasswordReset() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 582 UsersController::remind_password() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 537 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 490 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 185 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 160 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 92
Please enter the email you used for registration and you'll get an email with further instructions.
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_swypto_list' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323]Code Context),
$key = 'default_swypto_list' $value = null $config = '_cake_model_' $settings = array( 'password' => '*****', 'prefix' => '*****', 'engine' => 'File', 'path' => '/home/ubuntu/swypto/www/app/tmp/cache/models/', 'serialize' => true, 'duration' => (int) 10, 'user' => 'mOo', 'lock' => true, 'isWindows' => false, 'mask' => (int) 436, 'probability' => (int) 100, 'groups' => array() ) $success = falseCache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323 DataSource::listSources() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/DataSource.php, line 110 Mysql::listSources() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/Database/Mysql.php, line 211 Model::setSource() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 1132 Model::getDataSource() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 3499 Model::schema() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 1355 FormHelper::_introspectModel() - APP/View/Helper/FormHelper.php, line 197 FormHelper::create() - APP/View/Helper/FormHelper.php, line 436 include - APP/View/Users/request_password_change.ctp, line 44 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 935 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 897 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 466 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 954 UsersController::sendPasswordReset() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 582 UsersController::remind_password() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 537 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 490
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_swypto_list' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323]Code Context),
$key = 'default_swypto_list' $value = array( (int) 0 => 'acos', (int) 1 => 'addresses', (int) 2 => 'advertisers', (int) 3 => 'advertisers_users', (int) 4 => 'app_identifiers', (int) 5 => 'aros', (int) 6 => 'aros_acos', (int) 7 => 'article_contents', (int) 8 => 'article_terms', (int) 9 => 'articles', (int) 10 => 'calendar_table', (int) 11 => 'campaign_categories', (int) 12 => 'campaign_categories_sites', (int) 13 => 'campaign_contents', (int) 14 => 'campaign_contents_locales', (int) 15 => 'campaign_custom_field_values', (int) 16 => 'campaign_custom_fields', (int) 17 => 'campaign_images', (int) 18 => 'campaign_inventories', (int) 19 => 'campaign_pos', (int) 20 => 'campaign_sources', (int) 21 => 'campaign_types', (int) 22 => 'campaign_value_items', (int) 23 => 'campaign_values', (int) 24 => 'campaigns', (int) 25 => 'campaigns_campaign_categories', (int) 26 => 'commissions', (int) 27 => 'counters_daily_log', (int) 28 => 'counters_log', (int) 29 => 'counters_total_log', (int) 30 => 'countries', (int) 31 => 'cron_tasks', (int) 32 => 'currencies', (int) 33 => 'currencies_psp_configurations', (int) 34 => 'currencies_psps', (int) 35 => 'customers', (int) 36 => 'events_log', (int) 37 => 'friends', (int) 38 => 'i18n', (int) 39 => 'images', (int) 40 => 'languages', (int) 41 => 'locales', (int) 42 => 'locales_psp_configurations', (int) 43 => 'locales_psps', (int) 44 => 'managers', (int) 45 => 'managers_campaigns', (int) 46 => 'managers_users', (int) 47 => 'messages', (int) 48 => 'mjob_job_logs', (int) 49 => 'mjob_job_parameters', (int) 50 => 'mjob_jobs', (int) 51 => 'parties', (int) 52 => 'psp_configurations', (int) 53 => 'psps', (int) 54 => 'publishers', (int) 55 => 'publishers_users', (int) 56 => 'queued_tasks', (int) 57 => 'resellers', (int) 58 => 'resellers_users', (int) 59 => 'roles', (int) 60 => 'segmentation_logs', (int) 61 => 'segmentations', (int) 62 => 'sequence', (int) 63 => 'shorturls', (int) 64 => 'sites', (int) 65 => 'supports', (int) 66 => 'swifler_abouts', (int) 67 => 'system_logs', (int) 68 => 'system_variables', (int) 69 => 'tickets', (int) 70 => 'transaction_advertisers', (int) 71 => 'transaction_custom_fields', (int) 72 => 'transaction_logs', (int) 73 => 'transaction_publishers', (int) 74 => 'transaction_resellers', (int) 75 => 'transactions', (int) 76 => 'user_logins', (int) 77 => 'users', (int) 78 => 'vats', (int) 79 => 'visitor_logs', (int) 80 => 'widgets' ) $config = '_cake_model_' $settings = array( 'password' => '*****', 'prefix' => '*****', 'engine' => 'File', 'path' => '/home/ubuntu/swypto/www/app/tmp/cache/models/', 'serialize' => true, 'duration' => (int) 10, 'user' => 'mOo', 'lock' => true, 'isWindows' => false, 'mask' => (int) 436, 'probability' => (int) 100, 'groups' => array() ) $success = falseCache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323 DataSource::listSources() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/DataSource.php, line 110 Mysql::listSources() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/Database/Mysql.php, line 228 Model::setSource() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 1132 Model::getDataSource() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 3499 Model::schema() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 1355 FormHelper::_introspectModel() - APP/View/Helper/FormHelper.php, line 197 FormHelper::create() - APP/View/Helper/FormHelper.php, line 436 include - APP/View/Users/request_password_change.ctp, line 44 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 935 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 897 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 466 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 954 UsersController::sendPasswordReset() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 582 UsersController::remind_password() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 537 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 490
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_swypto_users' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323]Code Context),
$key = 'default_swypto_users' $value = null $config = '_cake_model_' $settings = array( 'password' => '*****', 'prefix' => '*****', 'engine' => 'File', 'path' => '/home/ubuntu/swypto/www/app/tmp/cache/models/', 'serialize' => true, 'duration' => (int) 10, 'user' => 'mOo', 'lock' => true, 'isWindows' => false, 'mask' => (int) 436, 'probability' => (int) 100, 'groups' => array() ) $success = falseCache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323 DataSource::_cacheDescription() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/DataSource.php, line 310 DataSource::describe() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/DataSource.php, line 135 Mysql::describe() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/Database/Mysql.php, line 324 Model::schema() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 1358 FormHelper::_introspectModel() - APP/View/Helper/FormHelper.php, line 197 FormHelper::create() - APP/View/Helper/FormHelper.php, line 436 include - APP/View/Users/request_password_change.ctp, line 44 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 935 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 897 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 466 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 954 UsersController::sendPasswordReset() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 582 UsersController::remind_password() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 537 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 490 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 185
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_swypto_users' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323]Code Context),
$key = 'default_swypto_users' $value = array( 'password' => '*****', 'id' => array( 'type' => 'integer', 'null' => false, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 11, 'key' => 'primary' ), 'role_id' => array( 'type' => 'integer', 'null' => false, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 11, 'key' => 'index', 'comment' => 'FK to roles. Define role of a user.\nCurrently this is max role (later on could be switched to default role).' ), 'active' => array( 'type' => 'boolean', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 1 ), 'email_verified' => array( 'type' => 'boolean', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 1 ), 'username' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'null' => false, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 255, 'key' => 'unique', 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'charset' => 'utf8' ), 'first_name' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 45, 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'charset' => 'utf8' ), 'last_name' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 45, 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'charset' => 'utf8' ), 'token' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 50, 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'charset' => 'utf8' ), 'created' => array( 'type' => 'datetime', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => null ), 'modified' => array( 'type' => 'datetime', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => null ), 'email_token' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 125, 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'charset' => 'utf8' ), 'email_token_expires' => array( 'type' => 'datetime', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => null ), 'terms_of_use_accepted' => array( 'type' => 'boolean', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 1 ), 'country_id' => array( 'type' => 'integer', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 11, 'key' => 'index', 'comment' => 'Fk to countries. Used to define language and other regional settings regarded with localisation.\nIf NULL than english by default.' ), 'password_token' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 125, 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'charset' => 'utf8' ), 'language' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => (int) 6, 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'charset' => 'utf8' ) ) $config = '_cake_model_' $settings = array( 'password' => '*****', 'prefix' => '*****', 'engine' => 'File', 'path' => '/home/ubuntu/swypto/www/app/tmp/cache/models/', 'serialize' => true, 'duration' => (int) 10, 'user' => 'mOo', 'lock' => true, 'isWindows' => false, 'mask' => (int) 436, 'probability' => (int) 100, 'groups' => array() ) $success = falseCache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323 DataSource::_cacheDescription() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/DataSource.php, line 310 Mysql::describe() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/Database/Mysql.php, line 358 Model::schema() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 1358 FormHelper::_introspectModel() - APP/View/Helper/FormHelper.php, line 197 FormHelper::create() - APP/View/Helper/FormHelper.php, line 436 include - APP/View/Users/request_password_change.ctp, line 44 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 935 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 897 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 466 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 954 UsersController::sendPasswordReset() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 582 UsersController::remind_password() - APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 537 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 490 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 185 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 160